St. James Episcopal Church is a member congregation of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe and a Parish Church of the Anglican Communion. We receive no financial support from any outside organization, missionary agency or government. We depend on the kindness and generosity of people like you to support our mission and ministry. Thank you.
All donations to St. James are fully deductible for US tax purposes and could be deductible for your Italian taxes. St. James Church is a parish of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America and a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Our tax ID number is 13-6132268. In accordance with Section 170 (F)(8)(B), any goods or services provided to you consist solely of intangible religious benefits.
Gifts of stock are gladly accepted. Transfer instructions are provided on request.
If you wish to include St. James in your estate planning, please contact us at office@stjames.it or call and leave a message at (+39) 055 29 44 17
If you would like to deduct your donation from your Italian taxes, please donate to the non-profit organization: Amici di St. James (listed below).
Amici di St. James (ONLUS):
If you are donating by bank transfer within the European Union:
IBAN IT31S0306902887100000008296
Account name: St. James American Church
Banca Intesa
Via Bufalini, 4
Firenze 50122 Italy
St. James American Church – Florence Italy
via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze 50122
From outside the E.U. or other questions about supporting us:
Please contact us for our Chase banking information or with any of your donation questions at office@stjames.it
Personal checks:
Should be made payable to “St. James American Church” and mailed to:
St. James Church
Via B. Rucellai, 9
50123 Florence, Italy
Unless you wish your gift to be earmarked for a special fund or purpose, it will be used by the Vestry wherever it is needed the most. Please use the “Item” box to indicate the gift’s allocation, if any, as well as dedication (e.g., “made in memory of…”/ thanksgiving for…/celebration of… etc.) You will receive an electronic confirmation of your gift, followed by a thank you letter that will also serve as an official document for IRS purposes.